Still Cool
Still Cool Water

  • GST: No
  • Code: SCOOL
  • Min Order Qty: 12 units
  • Carton Qty: 12 units
  • Barcode: 9321460000098

The logical choice for your bottled water!

Biodegradable bottles made from 100% recycled plastic.


Landfill-biodegradable products are made by combining traditional plastic with an organic additive. The biodegradation only begins when the plastic is exposed to a microbe-rich environment,such as a landfill.

The additive attracts microbes to the plastic and they start to digest it. As they do this, the enzymes break the carbon bonds in the plastic molecule allowing the microbes to digest them for their energy.

As this process continues, the plastic molecule is broken down and digested away, producing a humus-like material (organic matter) which is a natural plant fertiliser and a biogas. Producing no

*National Plastic Plan 2021, Department of Agriculture, Water, and the Environment,
Commonwealth of Australia 2021.

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