Pacific Harvest
Kelp Salt (New Zealand)

  • GST: No
  • Code: PHKSA400
  • Size: 400g
  • Min Order Qty: 1 unit
  • Carton Qty: 12 units
  • Barcode: 850020571260

This organic New Zealand Kelp Salt is nutritionally enhanced by the addition of raw kelp seaweed, harvested from the pristine waters around the North Island of New Zealand. Replace chemically iodised salts with a natural alternative as kelp offers nature’s richest source of iodine.

Why Use Kelp Salt instead of regular table salt?

If you are looking to increase your iodine intake and do not want the hassle of finding, and then remembering to take nutritional supplements, which have been made in a laboratory, the easiest thing you can do right now is just replace your table salt with kelp salt!

The ocean has an abundance of minerals, nutrients and vitamins, many of which are depleted in our soils, so in our opinion, sea salts offer a preferable alternative to rock salts. Consider that seaweeds are naturally very efficient at absorbing nutrients from the ocean – and kelp, a brown seaweed, is widely regarded as the “best natural source of iodine”. It has been said that salt cravings are the result of a mineral deficiency…this is one product to address just that! Iodine is an essential nutrient for human health – specifically linked to immunity, thyroid, brain, ovarian and breast health. Iodine is an essential nutrient for the production of a hormone called thyroxin which helps to regulate many body functions. It has also been linked to apoptosis (cell death) which is critical to fighting cancer – particularly thyroid and breast cancer.


Organic New Zealand sea salt, New Zealand harvested Kelp Seaweed (Ecklonia radiata) 6%.

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